Most important to increasing beer sales is salesmanship. Once you understand the basics, speak the language, know the process, and can distinguish different styles of craft beers, it is time to close the sale. Quality salesmanship is vital to the success of any business. Beer lives in a social culture, so conversation is everything.
There’s so much to learn about craft beer. Between styles, brewing techniques, history, hop varieties, malt types, yeast strains and more, the list of what you can learn can seem infinite. What sets Hopsonomy apart from other craft beer training programs is the emphasis on how to increase craft beer sales. Craft beer salesmanship is less about memorizing technical information and all about knowing the right thing to say to each individual person. Becoming a Hopsonomist will help you identify the type of beer drinker you’re working with in order to help them find the craft beer they crave.
Using the suggested conversation starters, beer sales tips, keywords, and phrases from Hopsonomy will help you increase craft beer sales. Our courses are designed to teach you about beer, then share what you’ve learned with others. Get the conversation started by describing the way a beer tastes, looks, and drinks like a pro. Stop wasting time and resources with other training programs! Start developing your craft beer sales strategy by enrolling you or your team in Hopsonomy.